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Questions? 1-800-AVERETT

Is Averett right for your students?

As a high school counselor, you are an important influence on students, who look to you for advice and direction. We hope these answers help you understand what Averett’s all about. We’ll be happy to tell you more.

Contact an AU Admissions Counselor

Are we a common app school?
No, but if you print the application off and either mail, email, or fax we will accept the common app and enter it into our system.

What are the most popular majors?
Our top departments are Business, Nursing, Biology, Aviation, Health and Sport Science, and Equestrian.

What division of athletics are you?
We are Old Dominion Athletic Conference.

What sports do you offer?
We offer 21 DIII NCAA sports, plus 3 Varsity club sports.

    • Men’s Sports:
      • Baseball
      • Basketball
      • Cross Country
      • Football
      • Golf
      • Lacrosse
      • Soccer
      • Tennis
      • Track and Field
      • Wrestling
    • Women’s Sports:
      • Basketball
      • Cross Country
      • Golf
      • Lacrosse
      • Soccer
      • Softball
      • Tennis
      • Track and Field
      • Volleyball

We also have non-NCAA eSports and men’s and women’s cheerleading, eSports and dance.

What is the average GPA?

Do we accept a student’s IEP?
Averett University is committed to creating an inclusive environment in which all students have an equal opportunity to achieve academic success and to enjoy campus life without discrimination. Averett University is devoted to ensuring that all students who submit appropriate documentation of a disability receive reasonable accommodations in accordance with the submitted documentation. It is our belief that accommodations will provide equal access to opportunities provided by Averett. Documentation from a licensed clinician and/or official authorized to diagnose disabilities who is not a family member or other individual with a personal relationship with the student Documentation must include the following: 1). A clear diagnostic statement identifying the disability, 2). Date of the most current diagnostic evaluation, 3). A description of the diagnostic assessment(s)*, method(s), and/or certifying criteria utilized to determine disability, along with examiner’s narrative interpretation. Please know that IEPs and 504 Plans from high school are beneficial to have on file as they help to establish a history of the disability; however, further documentation is required.

How do internship and career placements work?
Click here to read the Center for Community Engagement and Career Competitiveness (CCECC) Annual Report to the Danville Regional Foundation.

Are you interested in our WORKING ADULT programs?

Click Here