Hey there! I’m one of the writers of this blog as you’ve probably already figured out. My name is Rachael Lipscomb, though I most often go by the nickname of ‘Rae’. Couple quick facts about me: Sophomore, Communications major, commuter, graduating around 2020, writer, video game nerd, and currently working as an office assistant in the Enrollment / Communications department.

I hope I can share some important and sometimes not so important information that you may need before attending college.  I will go over things like doing laundry, cooking, eating right on a budget and other fun facts that I wish I had known prior to starting college.

My next post will be all about laundry and what to do with it (no your mom will not be here to do it for you). I know it’s scary but trust me the washing machine is not a monster. It is your friend, one you’re going to need to get well acquainted with on a first name basis. Learn to love it, or otherwise, you’re going to not be so fresh.

Chat soon!
